Monday, March 12, 2012

Aunt Benny's Visit

With the boys on spring break, we're having lots of fun outings and visits this week.  Last night we went to Nanny's house to see the Lawrences and of course, Aunt Benny!  She had just "jet setted" back from the Emmy's or Golden Globes, or one of those fancy things she does and brought a basket of nail polish, lip smacker, hair bands, and other fru-fru goodies for the girls.  They loved it and all left for home later with sparkles on their fingernails.  Somehow I only got demure pink - I must be getting old.

The boys love chatting with Benny since she's business savvy with her position at Audi and history in marketing.  She warned them about long hours, strict deadlines, and lots of travel - but that sounded like fun to young men without families to worry about.  She had plenty of sage advice, and they were happy to listen.

We got home late providing us with a painful wakeup call at 6am - really 5am. (I'll continue on with this illogical and pitiful lament all week - I have issues for about a week after daylight savings time)   We love seeing old friends - and these are friends of 40 years time frame.  Benny is one of the most thoughtful and creative women I know- even with her incredibly busy schedule - and I wish I had her talent of knowing "just the right gift" for anyone and any occasion.  She is a keeper of childhood memories for me, and I love remembering and laughing with her over our youthful exploits.   Thank you God, for the blessings of good friends.



  1. Looks like fun. Glad the girls are doing well. Angie

  2. I'm certainly and right there with you over this time change after effect. It's torture!

    You sure have reason to be proud of your family, those handsome boys and cute, vivacious little girls! I can't wait to bring my next daughter home. I found a new picture of her, just lucky, published in a Chinese newspaper when she was 9 years old.

  3. Kim, I saw this on the Atresia site, I checked out the link and thought the prosthesis looked good.

    There are other options out there besides sugery. I'm not sure what to tell you about the glasses! I may be faced with the same situation with Journey!


    1. Vicky,
      I didn't realize Journey was missing an ear. Your link didn't come through - can you send it to me offlist? Let me know! Kim

  4. Kim, the link was! I couldn't find your email address to send it via that list! Let me know if you don't get it!

    1. Hey Vicky,
      I actually talked with Robert Baron personally - he's wonderful and a very gifted artist. This is who we will be using for our prosthetic ear - he's in VA. :)

  5. Hey Kim, if the already have an outer ear do they remove it? It almost looked like it from the photos. Is the prosthetic ear covered by insurance? Just curious?

  6. Most insurance covers the ear - but you have to apply for it. I'm just getting ready to start checking into it this week - we see the ENT/surgery doc tomorrow for his opinion. They do not have to remove any partial ear tags - they can be placed right next to them. You can also remove them if you wish. Our daughter is missing almost all of hers - so we'll just leave it as is to start. I'll let you know what the doc says tomorrow!
