Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Whatever is lovely...

     In this current climate of political vitriol, increasing immorality, and growing hostility towards Christian ethic worldwide, it’s easy to get agitated and demoralized when reading the news.  God is clear that man can accomplish little apart from Him, and unfortunately this truth is evident wherever the gospel has been marginalized – particularly here in America.  As the book of Hebrews states, those who have tasted of the goodness of God, and then turn away, are worse off than those who had never known at all. 

     Christ’s answer to facing such times is clear:  overcome evil with good.  The simplicity of such an approach invites scorn from those who would strategize the “Christian comeback” or legislate morality, but the gospel is clear that without Jesus, you are only sweeping the house clean for the next domestic despot.   A quick study of history makes that evident, as hopeful nations and people with good intentions entrusted their futures to the likes of Hitler, Mao, and Stalin. 

     So how then do we now live?  With the simple gospel of Jesus Christ on our lips, and the love of our neighbors in the works of our hands.   This “strategy” won’t guarantee the political results or cultural direction we want, but it should produce a harvest of righteousness and peace in our own lives that will be a light to a lost and empty generation.  

     The good we do will not likely be memorialized in the annals of civilization. Bringing soup to a sick friend, making an encouraging card for a missionary, or knitting hats for orphans and widows are not the great feats of talented men.  But they are the most approved actions by heaven, pure and faultless religion, according to scripture.

     Jesus was not naïve and lived in more turbulent times than we do.  His simple admonition was the Wisdom of Heaven and we would be wise to heed it.  Every now and then, the simplicity of the gospel hits hard and we must re-think our personal lives and goals.  Praying the Lord will light our paths today, and we will meditate on the things of Philippians 4:8: 
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worth of praise, think about these things.  Whatever you have heard and seen in me – practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Blessings, Kim

ps... "Reece" and "Oliver" (see photos below) are still looking for their family.  Please pray for these babies to find a home soon.

Oliver - needs heart surgery now!


  1. It really isn't complicated, is it friend? Thank you for this well written reminder!

  2. I enjoy reading your thoughts on political issues, world events, and our responsibilities as Christians. Thanks for sharing, encouraging, and motivating!

  3. I always enjoy your writings & insight! You are a blessing to many!
